Friday, December 19, 2014

Eating out at parties and why it is bad for you.

As part of Bupa's best blog competition for 2015

Students we bet you will eat out a lot this season and be invited to a heap of parties. We explain why putting on the extra kilos during this party season can be bad for you. We also talk about how you can avoid the extra weight gain.

Its ok to eat out at parties but eating and drinking too much can lead to a weight gain and many health problems (such as diabetes) down the track. Preferably in the new year.

How many calories are in the party food and drink that you consume.

A lot of the food at parties tends to have a lot of calories. Recently I found that dumplings have 77 cals per piece. Sushi has 37 cals per piece without the sauce. A mini quiche has about 200 cal per little tart.

And that chocolate frappe from Starbucks which was free has about 450 cal per serve. Pretty scary huh.

Chips has about 400 cal per serve and sauce has about 57 cal per serve.
I also found that tonic water has 124 cals per bottle.

A single flute of champagne has about 20-87 calories.

What should I do to avoid the weight trap?
Here are some things that you could do.
In the long run if you eat too many of these calories you will put on lots and lots of weight. During the silly season or whenever you get invited to canape and drinks only parties its better to have some food beforehand. Whilst there only have about two canapes and one drink and then stop.

If it is a sit down dinner, have your sauces on the side and maybe just share one entrée and one dessert. And only have one dinner roll as they are 80 cal each. Try and have it without butter as butter adds to the calories

Or you can host your own healthy Christmas party where everything is low fat.

Do some exercise during the day as well if you can. Go for a jog, walk, yoga etc. There are exercise apps and diet apps which you can download from Google Play

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