Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Blogging basics part 2: Starting one and where do I start

The second part of our series talks about starting up a blog, In this part we talk about which platforms to use.

The logo for (B) and Wordpress by
Blogging platforms
There are a few of these on the web. We talk about these here.

 There is heaps you can do in Wordpress. Here you choose many themes and these are updated daily. You can also add as many pictures as you like to the posts.

But they do have a limit of 10MB and then you have to buy more space.

In your dashboard you'll see your notifications. You can moderate comments.

This one is simple to use, but they don't  have many themes. They do have Google plus which is cool and amazing and you can share your posts in Google Hangouts. You can also have pages and things sitting in the drafts for a while.
They haven't got any space limits.

Like Wordpress you are notified when there are new comments, via the Bell icon. You are also notified via email. Unlike Wordpress there is no chance of comment moderation unless you delete the comment.

WIX- this is a relatively new one but they are adding lots of themes and widgets to their site daily

Understanding how your one works.
There is a help section for each platform. Signing up is relatively easy. All you need is a blog name, username, email and password and you are good to go. If you sign up with Blogger (they are run by Google), they integrate your email and blog so you only have one login to worry about.

Stay tuned for the next part which is about content.

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