Sunday, September 20, 2015

My Favourite places at Queen Victoria Market

I go to Queen Victoria Market often enough as RMIT is just a stone's throw away so I will list a few places that I enjoy that won't break the bank.

I love seeing the different veg and being curious about it. This one is silverbeet

I love trying the different fruits and nuts and veg on offer. Here I tried a fresh lemon piece.

I love this spice stall called Gewurtzhaus as it is always smelling lovely.

As a student I love to find out about the good cheeses on offer and about the different textures so I would often try different samples. My favourite cheese the French brie cheese which you can find at the many shops in the deli. In fact many of the stores say that the cheese bought from here is way better than the ones bought at the supermarket as it is fresh.

I do love a good coffee at Market lane coffee inside the deli.  Here they do a really stellar long black. It may be a bit of a wait but I'm prepared.

I also love going to that chicken shop as they do the best fried wings and chips which are freshly made and not frozen. A bucket there is $2.50 and it is flavoursome without the sauce. Sauce is about 32 calories per tablespoon. If I buy chicken wings I can take it home and put it with noodles or rice and veg. A bag of this is about $5.50.

I hate going to the atms as there are long lines. So what I tend to do is to have enough cash on me for the things I need.

I love visiting the organic section to see what they have on offer and occasionally I will buy museli, chai or other things. I also love sampling new fruits at the stall near the deli.

Do you have any favourite places at the market that you recommend that I try?

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