Monday, March 14, 2016

Some cultural changes to get used to

International students might have a hard time in Melbourne adapting to some of these changes. Here we talk about them

Here are some of the things that International students find surprising when they come to Melbourne. They will need to adapt to these.

Service hours
Many places in Melbourne have a 10am-7pm opening hour. But with supermarkets and restaurants some open as late as 11pm. Places in Tokyo and China are open until late.

Many Asians are shy of meeting a new person. Many Australians are informal. In Australia we call our lecturers by their first name and not by their surname. In Asian countries many people respect their elders and just follow the leader. But in Australia it is ok to question the boss or teacher if you don't understand something. Many of us are very friendly people. Most don't mind assisting International students. But just be aware that there are some racist people.

Learning style
Many Internationals are used to learning by rote, but in Australia it is ok to question your lecturer/tutor. Many students join study groups.

In Australia we study by ourselves and not with the teacher. We learn by ourselves with the guidance of the academic staff. However if students need help then they can make a time to see a teacher.

Learning English
Learning English is a must. It is ok for an Asian student to talk there language to a local who they know is learning the language. There are many meetups for languages.

Many Internationals are surprised at the different types of food we have here. We are a multicultural city and we enjoy lots of different foods. Throughout this blog we have lots of different restaurants some of which we got invited to.

We also have many markets here which cater to International student's food tastes.

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