Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Renea Lau's death shocks all

Renea Lau- photo courtesy of the Age

Renea Lau was a student from Hong Kong who studied at William Angliss. Her body was found earlier this month in Kings Domain. She studied in 2010-2012 in a patisserie course. Her death made headlines in the Age

She was walking to work at 5:30am on a Saturday Morning when it was dark and cold. She worked in an upmarket dessert bar on St Kilda Road. On that morning she was chased into the park by the accused and then she was sexually assaulted as well as physical.

Colleagues at her workplace were deeply distressed and so were her friends at William Angliss. Strangers left flowers for her at the gardens.

The American born- Australian man, Scott Allen Miller (42) was charged with her murder and is in jail. He had been living it rough for a while now. He was arrested in Eden in NSW.

At the CISA conference this week student safety was one of the higlights and we as RMIT Newintstudents are always concerned about this sort of thing. Many students work in the early hours of the morning and late at night and sometimes transport is not an option.

Accomodation in the City of Melbourne is very expensive. Many students live in the outer suburbs where there is a train line and many buses don't run past midnight. Transport is costly too, but the government has announced for discounted tickets as of 2015 for International students at some universities such as Monash.

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