Monday, August 13, 2012

Locals vs Internationals

Who should make the first move in finding your feet.?
You of course in your home country by signing up to the RMIT MATES program. Your mentor can help you with any questions that you might have. And when you are in Melbourne they can help you find your feet.
image courtesy of google images

There are many student union clubs in RMIT. You can check it out here.  Of course you can't sign up until you are in Melbourne but you can see the list for yourself and what they do.

It is your choice whether or not to join one, but I recommend you should and then you can network with different people. They also help you to feel less lonely in Melbourne. They have many nights out and activities planned. Its a chance to mingle with other students. Most of them promote themselves through Orientation week and on Facebook/Twitter.
It costs somewhere between $5 and $10 but it is worth your while to join a few clubs. For that price you get some goodies and the chance to mingle with people not from your course.

Studies show that people who join clubs are less likely to feel lonely than those that don't. And you are less likely to feel isolated and be "at risk" of failing subjects.

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