Thursday, September 18, 2014

" We are all not that rude". comments by International students

 Here are just some mannerisms observed by the Australians and its considered to be rude by them. The Newintstudents team caught up with some of the International students at the Couch and here is what they have to say.

"Just because we come from Asian countries where push and shove is ok doesn't mean that we are rude here"

" In some Asian countries not saying thank you and please is ok. In here it is good manners to do so otherwise people would think that it is rude".

" In Japan we slurp our food to show our appreciation. In Aus it is quite rude".

" In France we stare at people to show our admiration. But in Australia it is rude".

"In China there is no concept of a queue- instead everyone pushes each other. So when I got to Melbourne it was a big of shock. When I was the bank I jumped right in and everybody was angry at me for that".

What are your encounters with others?
Should International students be allowed to live in Melbourne after graduation?

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