Buying counterfeit makeup and stuff is illegal. If you do buy them then you are supporting a fake brand and not the real thing.
Also buying counterfiet items might also make you really itchy and disfigured and it will be costly to fix. And it might require more stress on your part and might require you to apply for special consideration which might not be granted by the uni
The real thing wont be:
1) Cheap as
2) Sold at the market
The real thing will be:
1) Packaged properly
2) Sold in real salons and shops
3) Expensive or correctly priced
So buy the real thing and not the fake and save yourself all the hassles
Also buying counterfiet items might also make you really itchy and disfigured and it will be costly to fix. And it might require more stress on your part and might require you to apply for special consideration which might not be granted by the uni
The real thing wont be:
1) Cheap as
2) Sold at the market
The real thing will be:
1) Packaged properly
2) Sold in real salons and shops
3) Expensive or correctly priced
So buy the real thing and not the fake and save yourself all the hassles
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