Thursday, March 19, 2015

Febfast- RNIS's version

As part of Bupa's best blog competition for 2015

RNIS did a month of Febfast where they mainly gave up on sugar and fried foods. Well at least they tried to. They tried to stick to a few vegetarian meals per week and they also lost some weight. We tell like it is.

Febfast is the month where you have to give up an unhealthy habit or two. For us that was sugar and fried food and limiting meat. During winter we ate too much meat and sweets and fried foods as comfort foods. We did however eat seafood.

We had lots of help from Grab and Cook and Hello Fresh. For the first two weeks our boxes were delivered but in the third week we did our own things. In the third week we went to the Melbourne Uni's farmers markets plus ate a little bit of fried food at the Accomodation and Living fair. But that's not to say that we did not learn from our mistakes.

At the welcome desk we had a tiny handful of sweets, but we steered clear of meats and fried food by having sushi, salad and sandwiches. And yes I used my chia seeds in the sushi and subs.

Buying the time out pass was expensive. We had a wedding to go to during that time and yes we ate sweets, but we had no meat meals.

What did we learn?
A lot about having home cooked foods at uni plus also we lost about 3kgs during this time. Also our periods were less painful.

We also learned about many different and interesting salads and it is interesting to play with your food. And it is a good idea not to give into temptation mainly fried foods.

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