Friday, February 20, 2015

Students entering Australia on false documents and financials

In a report by the Australian and published this year, many students are entering Australia on false documents, such as false English language tests and other documents. Universities hate this. We talk about this controversial issue.

Students from India and Nepal are doing such a thing. There has been a lot of problems in the past year with many documents and visas being cancelled by Immigration. In the last year alone more than 7000 visas had been cancelled due to the fraud. In 2012 about 1978 visas have been cancelled and in 2014 about 4093 visas were cancelled. Navitas (a private college) cancelled 40 agent partnerships when they found out they were sending non genuine students

Some of the students ghost hop from one course to another which is cheaper and maybe from an unregulated place. The practice is illegal. These students come to Australia on a streamlined visa, only to find a cheaper course or to work. Last year alone about 1000 students did do this illegal thing.RNIS met CISA some time ago and they share the same concerns. In fact this is in "The Australian". Meld also had similar concerns.

One thing which is partially to blame is the unregistered migration agents who knowingly prepare documents for non genuine students. Also universities should lift their game and their English language score requirements.

Another thing which might be partly to blame is the unregulated course attendance which all students have. Universities should be doing more to monitor course attendance.

Australia earns about $15 bil per year from International students from both tuition and living costs, according to a report by the Group of Eight. Living costs are already quite high and as such there is a huge lot of poor students. Many of them come to the Couch for a free feed each day. Education is Australia's fourth biggest revenue thing to date.

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