Friday, January 24, 2014

Decorating fun @123 Cake by Kathryn

123 Cake has just opened last year. It is in North Melbourne on my way to work and about 5 mins from RMIT and Melbourne Uni by tram. It is also near the MELD offices and Arrow on Swanston.

One day I saw the place and how cute it was and I really wanted to visit. I know I'm not a child but I love these cute quirky places.

The ingredients for a fun decorating session

Short Black

The end result- I really loved eating this

Cute decorations

Lots of inspiration for you to look at before you start decorating your cake

Kits which you can buy

I had bought a $9 Living Social voucher which entitled me to two cupcakes, tea or coffee, four decorating things and a huge bag of icing.

The lady who owns the place was very friendly

The coffee was meh and burnt, but I wasn't here for that. I was here for the decorating fun. A plain cupcake normally costs $3.50 ($4 for gluten free). On top of that you pay $2 for a big bag of icing ( you can choose between eight flavours). Decorations is normally $0.50 each or 3 for $1.50. Altogether its $7-$8. Throw in a coffee and it sets you back by $10.

The fun part you get to choose your own combinations and make it yourself. You can take pictures of your cake and post it to their Facebook page and you might be able to win a price.

The cupcakes tastes like the ones your mum makes at home. Yummy.

I loved choosing the decorations and making one with my initials on it. I used the cream cheese icing and loved it.

Verdict: Get in touch with your inner child and have some fun here. Its a great chance to get away from the books for a while.

Come here for experience not the food or the coffee
123 Cake on Urbanspoon

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