Friday, January 24, 2014

Pauls Milk and Dairy Farmers Natural Yoghurt

Pauls is the number 1 Australian milk brand. They are supposed to be extraordinary in taste and flavour.

I bought some of their milk just the other day to try.  I also bought a Dairy Farmers yoghurt as well.

Pauls milk ($2.80 for a 300 ml bottle) tasted a bit off. It was more banana flavored and artificial than anything

But I really liked the Dairy Farmers Yoghurt ($2) as it is soft and creamy. And it is also flavoursome. It worked well with the museli. It reminded me of being in a farm. I remembered reading that the other bloggers from Nuffnang did a similiar tasting but they had a lot more variety.

Do check out the range at your local supermarkets

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