Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Are your possessions secure? A message from RMIT Newintstudents and the police

At the beginning of the semester a lot of thefts goes on around campus. It doesn't only just happen to RMIT but it also happens in other campuses such as Latrobe and Melbourne Uni.
An unsecured bike makes it easier for thieves to take. Image by Lost on Campus

Each year in February a lot of new International students come from overseas and some people are not vigilant with their stuff. A lot of thieves are on campus, particularly in libraries where students are enrolling or in the cafeterias where students are eating. A lot of students leave their bags right next to them or on the table in the library when they browse the bookshelf.

Some students ride their bikes and forget to lock it properly. Hence when they come back it is gone.

" One time I left my bike outside a cafe and went inside to order. The next minute it was gone!"

In Sally's first year, she lost her bag. She was in a restaurant by herself and her bag was next to her. The next minute it was gone. She lost her credit cards, money, MYKI, keys, books, everything. She had to pay $800 to Unilodge to get the keys replaced.

The message to students is: Make sure that your possessions are secure. With bags: watch them. Take all your stuff with you. When sitting put your bag in your lap.

With bikes use a D-lock to lock your bike if you can't watch it.

Did you lose anything at all which was valuable to you? If so tell us below.

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