Friday, May 29, 2015

Greening @RMIT dinner

RNIS and all the RMIT community were invited to the dinner so we did not have to pay
As part of Bupa's best blog competition for 2015

This dinner was all about Fair Trade and to mark the end of another semester. There were lots of good memories of terrariums and gardens being shown. It was held during the Fair Trade Fortnight

There was even an Instagram competition where someone won a prize of terrariums.

I really enjoyed this healthy dinner made with lots of love and grown in their rooftop garden. Then there was a talk about fair trade as it is the Fair trade fortnight. So what does it mean to be fair trade? Hmmm a very tough question for some. But I think it basically means that farmers get a fair price.

I enjoyed the quinoa salad and the dahl as well as the other vegetarian curries. And there was a cabbage salad in there all made of love. The quinoa salad was very minty.

By the end of the night I was lighter.

Many thanks to Greening for the invite. And I hope to see you next semester.

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