Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Fake websites and how to spot one

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Students do you have any idea how to spot a fake site? In Melbourne thousands of International students are targeted because they do not know which is fake and which not.

Many times International students have been scammed a lot of money due to not knowing about the dangers and how to spot a fake site

So here is how to spot the fake ones:
1)No refund- a sign saying that is illegal according to the CAV.
2) No SSL certificate (or lock). Most genuine sites would have this sort of protection to protect people and their data.
3) Misspelled words and poor images- if a retail shop in Melbourne doesn't not have these things on their site and in their shop chances are this is a fake site.
4) Broken links- if a site has broken links then chances are that this site probably carries some sort of virus.
5) Heavily discounted items- ask yourself why do they want to get rid of this stock? Chances are that it is counterfeit.

What to do about this
* Never give out your bank account details
* Update your antivirus software
* Do your research about a particular place or site before buying. Always trust your instincts

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